The Hill of Slane

Rising prominently above the surrounding landscape in County Meath, Ireland, the Hill of Slane holds significant historical and cultural importance, especially for its association with early Irish Christianity.

According to legend, in the 5th century, St. Patrick, on his way to becoming the patron saint of Ireland, defied both the local king and druidic religious leaders by lighting the Paschal fire on the Hill of Slane during the pagan festival of Beltane. According to tradition, the hill had once been the seat of the high king of Ireland, and a tradition persisted that any man who lit a fire before the king on the night of Beltane would be put to death. The night of this festival just so happened to align with the night before Easter, and St. Patrick chose to contradict the local customs and wishes of the king, by lighting a flame celebrating the mystery of the Passover and it's fulfillment in Christ..

One 7th Century biographer went on to describe the ensuing stand off:

“Seeing that the impious heathen were about to attack him, Patrick rose and said clearly and loudly, 'May God come up to scatter his enemies, and may those who hate him flee from his face.' By this disaster, caused by Patrick’s curse in the king’s presence because of the king’s order, seven times seven men fell. . . . And the king, driven by fear, came and bent his knees before the holy man . . . .

This bold act, carried out against the wishes of the High King marked the beginning of the conversion of Ireland to Christianity.

The site is dotted with ancient monuments, including a motte-and-bailey structure the ruins of Slane Abbey, a Franciscan friary founded in the late 15th century by Christopher Fleming, the Baron of Slane. The abbey played a significant role in the religious and cultural life of the region, and the remains of its iconic structure served as inspiration for the Slane Hill Capital logo.